Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH) parish community is led by the Most. Rev. Honesto Ongtioco, Bishop of the Diocese of Cubao. We are guided by the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC), a recommended structure within the church concerned with the pastoral activities of parish life. The PPC is made up of a representative body of the faithful headed by our parish priest. The parish pastoral council shares the responsibility for building the parish into a vibrant Christian community that promotes gospel values of love, justice and peace. It is a consultative body of leaders who actively seek the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and are guided by the teachings, laws and recommendations of the universal church and the local diocesan church.

Most Rev. Honesto F. Ongtioco, D.D.
Bishop of Cubao

Rev. Fr. Robert Reyes
Parish Priest

Bro. Roberto Salazar
PPC Coordinator
Our OLPH parish reflects, at the local level, the life and mission of the Diocese of Cubao and of the Catholic Church throughout the world. We are a reflection of how gospel values are lived out by individuals, by families and the local neighborhood. Our parish community exists to assist parishioners in their Christian vocation as disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Parish Pastoral Council

Like a ship’s wheel, the parish pastoral council guides the local faithful in pastoral activities of parish life.

Our liturgical and service ministries are the bedrock of our parish. Each ministry assists the church in worship and service… the twin pillars of evangelization. [Read More]
Basic Ecclesial Communities

BEC’s are small communities of Christians. They are families who gather together around the Word of God and are regularly ministered to by lay leaders.

Organizations are national associations with parish-based chapters that help ministries in the work of evangelization.